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Economic and financial data for the Republic of North Macedonia IMF SDDS Plus

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Republic of Macedonia has committed, please click on the DSBB Home Page.
The data are provided by National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia, State Statistical Office and Ministry of Finance.

Data Category Table SDMX Notes
National Accounts SSO SDMX‑ML
Sectoral balance sheets NBRM SDMX‑ML
Production index SSO SDMX‑ML
Employment SSO SDMX‑ML
Unemployment SSO SDMX‑ML
Contractual wages SSO SDMX‑ML
Consumer prices SSO SDMX‑ML
Producer prices SSO SDMX-ML
General government operations (Annual) MoF SDMX-ML
General government operations (Quarterly) MoF SDMX-ML
General government gross debt MoF SDMX-ML
Central government operations MoF SDMX-ML
Central government debt MoF SDMX-ML
Depository Corporations Survey NBRM SDMX-ML
Central Bank survey NBRM SDMX-ML
Other Financial Corporation Survey NBRM SDMX-ML
Financial Soundness Indicators Regulatory Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets
Regulatory Tier 1 capital to assets
Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital
Nonperforming loans to total gross loans
Return on assets
Liquid assets to short-term liabilities


Financial Soundness Indicators
Residential real estate prices


Debt Securities NBRM SDMX-ML
Interest rates NBRM

SDMX dissemination is not required for this category
Stock Market: Share Price Index Index (daily data) SDMX dissemination is not required for this category
Balance of payments NBRM SDMX-ML
Official reserve assets NBRM SDMX-ML
Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity NBRM SDMX-ML
Merchandise trade SSO SDMX-ML
International investment position NBRM SDMX-ML
External debt NBRM SDMX-ML
Coordinated portfolio investment survey (CPIS) Participant in IMF-CPIS SDMX dissemination is not required for this category
Coordinated direct investment survey (CDIS) Participant in IMF-CDIS SDMX dissemination is not required for this category
Currency composition of official foreign exchange reserves (COFER) Participant in IMF-COFER SDMX dissemination is not required for this category
Exchange rates NBRM SDMX dissemination is not required for this category
Population SSO SDMX-ML