Archive of methodological explanations for the news release:
Industrial producer price indices, total
The industrial producer price indices, total, measure the changes of the industrial producer price levels of the industrial products/services produced in Macedonia and sold on the domestic market and the non-domestic market.
The industrial producer price index, total, is composed of two components: the industrial producer price indices on the domestic market and the industrial producer price indices on the non-domestic market.
The industrial producer price indices, total, are calculated as the weighted average of the industrial producer price indices on the domestic market and the industrial producer price indices on the non-domestic market.
The sample covers:
-in 2015, 360 enterprises with 1236 specified industrial products/services,
-in 2016, 259 enterprises with 1258 specified industrial products/services,
-in 2017, 356 enterprises with 1256 specified industrial products/services,
-in 2018, 347 enterprises with 1239 specified industrial products/services
Classifications and data publishing
The industrial producer price indices, total, are processed by groups, divisions and sections of the National Classification of Activities (NKD Rev.2).
The industrial producer price indices, total, are published by main industrial groups, by sections and divisions.
The weights for the calculation of the industrial producer price indices, total, are calculated from the turnover on the domestic and non-domestic market.
The source of data needed for weighting is the “Annual report on industry" (IND.21), for 2015.
The weights are changed every 5 years.
- Release "Industrial producer price indices, total",
- Edition "Monthly statistical report",
- MAKStat database.
- Statistical Yearbook of Republic of Macedonia.
Harmonization with EU regulations
The methodology for calculation of Industrial Producer Price Indices, total, is harmonized with the "Methodology of short-term business statistics" by EUROSTAT, for the following variables:
- 310 Industrial Producer Price.