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Social Welfare and Health Care

Statistical data on social welfare for children, youth and adults and child care are collected with regular annual surveys.

Social welfare includes data on:
  • rights of social welfare for juvenile and adult recipients;
  • institutions for children lacking parental care;
  • institutions for care of persons with intellectual and physical disabilities;
  • institutions for children and juveniles with educational and social difficulties;
  • institution for adults (public and private institutions);
  • trade companies for employment of disabled persons;
  • intermunicipal centres for social work and
  • homes and boarding schools for pupils and students
Child care covers the data on:
  • children's allowances and parental allowances for child
  • institutions for child care and education - kindergartens / centres for early childhood development (public and private institutions).
Data on rights of social welfare for juvenile and adult recipients are collected with a regular annual survey for the period from 1 January to 31 December.

Data on institutions for accommodation of young children, juveniles and adults, and intermunicipal centres for social work are collected with a regular annual survey, reflecting the situation as at 31 December.

Data on homes for pupils in elementary and secondary schools, homes for secondary religious school students and dormitories for students who are educated outside their parents'/guardians' place of residence refer to the situation as at 31 March.

Data on institutions for child care and education - kindergartens / centres for early childhood development are collected with a regular annual survey, with 30 September as reference date.

Institutions for care and education of children - kindergartens / centres for early childhood development provide health care, food and daily stay for children in accordance with their development needs up to the age of 6 years, organised and divided into several types of groups.

Children's allowances (child care allowances, special allowances and one-off financial assistance for newborn child) and parental allowances for child (granted to mothers for third, fourth child, and single parental allowance) are collected with a regular annual survey for the period from 1 January to 31 December.


Key Indicators
  Juveniles recipients of social welfare  ( 2017) : 14758  

  Adult recipients of social welfare  ( 2017) : 43040  

  Recipients of Social cash benefit (households)  ( 2017) : 26160  

  Recipients of child care allowances  ( 2017) : 11300  

  Children recipients of special allowances  ( 2017) : 7301  

  Children in kindergartens  ( 2018) : 37615  

Time Series

Terms and explanations

Intermunicipal centres for social work are institutions through which social welfare is provided, involving social work in one or more municipalities.

A beneficiary of social welfare is considered to be any physical person who makes use of some rights of social welfare, once or several times in the course of the reporting year.

Data on rights of social welfare for juvenile and adult recipients refer to the number of cases of certain rights of social welfare carried out in the course of the reporting period and not to the number of persons.

Data on social cash benefit refer to the households whose total monthly incomes are lower than the fixed social cash benefits i.e. as a difference between total average incomes of all members of the household, by all basis, and social cash benefits.

Institutions for children lacking parental care provide lodging, care, health care, welfare and education for children and juveniles who need a home. Infant and small children homes, children and youth homes and institutions for children and juveniles lacking parental care are also included here.

Institutions for care of persons with intellectual and physical disabilities include institutions that provide lodging, food, care, health care and education for physically and intellectually disabled children and juveniles in the course of schooling and training.

Institutions for children and juveniles with educational and social difficulties include institutes for care of educationally neglected children and juveniles. These institutions provide housing, education and vocational training.

Trade companies for employment of disabled persons employ persons with limited working abilities. Employed disabled persons may also work at home.

Institutions for adults provide housing, food and health care for adults. Homes for the elderly and sick persons are included here.

Homes and boarding schools for pupils and students provide lodging, food and education for pupils (in elementary, secondary schools and secondary religious schools) and students during the education outside their parents'/supporters' place of residence. Homes and boarding schools for pupils and students provide lodging, food and education for pupils (in elementary, secondary schools and secondary religious schools) and students during the education outside their parents'/supporters' place of residence.

Children's allowances (child care allowances, special allowances and one-off financial assistance for newborn child) and parental allowances for children (granted to mothers for third, fourth child, and single parental allowance) are special types of child protection consisting of financial aid under the child protection legislation.

Child care allowances are granted depending on the number of children in the family, the age of the child and the financial situation of the family.

Special allowances are granted for a child with specific needs, which has physical or intellectual disabilities or combined developmental disabilities, up to age 26.

One-off financial assistance for newborn child is provided for the first newborn child. Parental allowance for third child is given monthly for a period of 10 years, while for the fourth child for a period of 15 years. If the mother gives birth to a fourth child while still receiving parental allowance for the third child, she will be granted a single parental allowance.

Institutions for care and education of children-kindergartens/centers for early childhood development

Institutions for care and education of children - kindergartens / centres for early childhood development provide health care, food and daily stay for children in accordance with their development needs up to the age of 6 years, organised into several types of groups.

The groups for children in development stage up to 2 years of age take complete care and have certain educational influence on children up to 2 years of age.

The groups for children in development stage between 2 years of age and school age are systematically engaged in education and upbringing of children up to 6 years of age.

The combined group (of children) is systematically engaged in care, upbringing and education of children from 12 months to 6 years of age.

As children with disabilities are considered children who are: blind or with damaged sight, deaf or hard of hearing, children with speech difficulties, with physical disability, as well as children with personal and behavioural difficulties. The upbringing and education of these children are organised in the framework of the regular groups.

Groups of children - centres for early childhood development in kindergartens cover children in development stage between 3 years of age and school age, and are systematically engaged in upbringing and education of children for up to 3 hours per day, with flexible working hours.

The groups for extra-institutional forms of activity are intended for children from 3 years of age and they organise playing activities, creative workshops, children’s workshops in the fields of culture and art, sport activities, etc.


© State Statistical Office