Terms and explanations
Waste is any substance or object, which the producer or the person in possession of it, discards or intends or is required to discard.
Hazardous waste is waste containing substances which possess one or more of the following properties: explosiveness, reactivity, ignitability, irritability, toxicity, infectivity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, toxicity for reproduction, ecotoxicity and substances which release toxic gases in contact with water, air or acid, established in accordance with the Waste Management Law or other regulation, including any other waste mixed with the hazardous waste.
Non-hazardous waste is waste which does not possess the characteristics of hazardous waste.
Municipal waste is waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities. It consists of waste from the households, including the massive waste, similar waste from commercial and trade industries, official buildings, institutions and small business, waste from gardens, street waste, the content of waste containers and the waste from market cleaning. The definition excludes waste from the municipal sewage networks and the waste from construction and demolition.
Commercial waste is any other type of waste generated from legal and natural persons performing commercial, industrial, crafts, service, administrative and similar activities, which according to its nature and composition is similar to the household waste.
Waste from industry is waste generated from business entities in manufacturing industry.
Waste treatment is collection, selection, transport, treatment, recovery, storage and disposal of waste, including the supervision of these operations, as well as the measures for protection of the environment, the life and health of people during the operation of the facilities and installations for disposal of waste, and the care taken after the termination of their operations.
Waste recovery are the operations (with mark R) which objective is usage of usable substances and ingredients, and cover treatments for re-usage of waste, for recycling, and for usage of waste as source for energy, excluding the waste incineration intended for its final disposal.
Waste disposal are the operations (with mark D), which provide final solution for the waste that cannot be re-used or recovered, without endangering the environment and human life and health.
Landfilling is the disposal of waste into or onto the ground; it includes specially equipped landfills and permanent places for temporary storage more than one year.
Landfill is a facility intended for disposal of waste by way of tipping it above or under the ground.
Water supply shal mean supply of water that the enterprises provided during the year for their own purposes. The quantity of such water is determined on the basis of performed metering at water sources and in production plants.
Used water is the water that the enterprises utilized for their purpouses for the first time, i.e.all used water excluding recirculation and reutilization of used water.
Recirculated water is the total annual volume of water processed in the circulation system.
Effluent water is the total volume of water which is treated as effluent water following its utilization in the reference year.