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Purchasing Power Parity

Purchasing power parity is the rate of conversion of currencies for eliminating the differences in the price levels representing the value of the same quantity and same goods and services bought in different countries with different currencies. The calculation of the purchasing power parity is based on data on the expenditure components of GDP defined by ESA 2010, by which the ranking of economies by size is possible. Data on the Republic of North Macedonia are part of the publication "Statistics Explained" of Eurostat. Users can access Eurostat data on purchasing power parity in “related links”.

Key Indicators
  Volume index of GDP per capita  ( 2023) : 41.0 (EU27_2020=100)  
  Price level index for Household final consumption expenditure  ( 2023) : 54.0 (EU27_2020=100)  
  Price level index for food and non-alcoholic beverages  ( 2023) : 73.3 (EU27_2020=100)  
  Price level index for investment  ( 2023) : 67.4 (EU27_2020=100)  
Time Series

Terms and explanations

Comparative price levels

Comparative price levels are the ratios of PPPs to exchange rates.

Purchasing Power Parities (‘PPPs’)

Purchasing Power Parities (‘PPPs’) shall mean spatial deflators and currency converters that eliminate the effects of the differences in price levels between Member States, thus allowing volume comparisons of GDP components and comparisons of price levels.

Purchasing Power Standard (‘PPS’)

Purchasing power standard is an artificial common currency that equalizes the purchasing power of different national currencies.


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