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Transport and Communications

Passenger transport covers the carriage of passengers in national, international, urban-suburban, taxi, rail and air transport.

Data on the number of registered road motor vehicles, kind of vehicle and year of production, vehicle by kind of fuel, road traffic accidents and data on cross-border traffic of passengers and vehicles are taken from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Data on road network are taken from the Agency for State Roads, while the data on local road network are obtained from the units of local self-government (municipalities).

Freight transport covers the carriage of goods in road, rail and air transport.

Data on air transport refer to the operations of the airports in Skopje and Ohrid. In the air transport statistics observed is the commercial civil transport, and covers data about passengers and goods transport, traffic at the airports, register of aircrafts and aircraft accidents statistics.

Data for pipeline transport statistics are submitted by business entities whose main activity according to the National Classification of Activities is oil and gas transport.


Key Indicators
  Passengers carried in road passenger transport  ( III.2024) : 1045 thousand  

  Passengers carried in rail transport  ( III.2024) : 59 thousand  

  Goods carried in rail transport  ( III.2024) : 194 thousand tonnes  

  Goods carried in road freight transport  ( III.2024) : 19 360 thousand tonnes  

  Passengers carried in air transport  ( III.2024) : 975 101  

Time Series

Terms and explanations

Passenger in road transport is any person who purchases a ticket and entres in a bus for transport on determinate place.

Passenger is rail transport is each person who uses railway car for transport, except for the crew of the car.

Passenger in air transport is each person who makes a journey by air, except for the cabin crews.

Goods carried by rail- any goods moved by rail vehicles.

Goods carried in road transport - any goods moved by road goods vehicles.


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