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Foreign Trade

The external trade data are processed according to the special trade system (relaxed definition). The export, according to this principle, comprises all the goods exported abroad and in the foreign customs warehouses and industrial free zones, and whose origin is from our domestic market, the premises for further processing and the industrial free zones. The import comprises all goods, imported from abroad, from customs transit, customs warehouses and industrial free zones.

Key Indicators
  Export value of goods  ( 01-11 2024) : 7 832 788 thousand US dollars  

  Import value of goods  ( 01-11 2024) : 10 988 063 thousand US dollars  

  Import coverage by export  ( 01-10 2024) : 71.5 %  

Time Series

Terms and explanations

The value of goods is presented on the basis of prices agreed upon by enterprises when entering into agreements. All values for goods exported and imported were computed according to parity, free on Macedonian border.

For import the value is CIF type, i.e. freight and insurance costs from place of export in the exporting country to the national border of Macedonia are included in the value. For export the value is FOB type, i.e. freight and insurance costs from place of export in Macedonia to the national border of Macedonia are included in the value.

The value of goods imported or exported after processing is the so called gross value – it includes the value of exported/imported goods (materials) plus the value of the service performed.

The value in national currency is recalculated into USD and EUR by using the daily exchange rate (middle average rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia) on the day of the lodgement of the customs declaration.

Monthly data for the current year are updated and revised every month. Revised data are distributed in the month of observation according to the date of lodgement of SAD (Single Administrative Document).
As a result, monthly data during the year have the status of preliminary data until the publication of the final data.


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