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Archive of methodological explanations for the news release:

Adult Education Survey

Status: 18.05.2017

Purpose of the statistical survey

The goal of the Adult Education Survey is to obtain data on participation in formal, non-formal and informal education and training of persons aged 25 to 64, in accordance with international standards and recommendations (Eurostat).

Units of observation

Units of observation in the Survey are persons aged 25 to 64 for whom data should be collected from the households with at least one person of that age.

Basic definitions

Lifelong learning - enlarging and improving the knowledge among adults in order to increase employment opportunities and to provide people with the right skills for employment throughout their working lives.

Participation rate in education and training - participation of persons aged 25 to 64 in formal and non-formal education and training.

Formal education and training is the education in accordance with the education laws (Laws on primary, secondary and higher education), institutionalised as regular and part-time education. In order to be considered as formal education, the educational activity should lead to a qualification recognised by the national authorities and to be part of the structured hierarchical ladder of education and training, i.e. part of the educational system of the country, and the completion of a certain level of education leads to attaining a certificate, diploma or other qualification.

Non-formal education and training is institutionalised education (performed in workers' universities, language schools, computer schools, music and dance schools, it includes seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.), it is carried out by professionally qualified teachers or lecturers and educational programme, and contributes to improving the knowledge of the individual, but is outside the regular educational system.

Informal learning is intentional, but is less organised and less structured than formal and non-formal education and training (it is not institutionalised). It may include, for instance, learning events (activities) that occur in the family, in the work place, and in the daily life of every person, (e.g., searching on the Internet for repairing a household appliance, watching documentaries, reading magazines, books, visiting museums, etc.).


© State Statistical Office