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Methodological explanation for the news release:

External trade by enterprise characteristics

Methodological explanations
One of the main future development areas for external trade statistics is to link them more closely to other statistics. The linkage of trade statistics with business statistics allows to measure, on the one hand, the contribution of real economic sectors to trading, and on the other hand, to complement business data with detailed information on trade. This enables to analyse the effects of international trade on production, employment and enterprises' performances.

Legal bases
The process of harmonisation of the national methodology and regulations with the EU regulations and Acquis Communautaire is reinforced by the implementation of the new ITGS - trade by enterprise characteristics module. Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics, which is the legal basis for the production of ITGS, through the implementation of the new activity is harmonised to a greater extent with the national statistical system.

Data sources
The main source of data for statistics on trade according to the economic characteristics of enterprises is the customs declaration (Single Administrative Document) and the Statistical Business Register of the Republic of North Macedonia, which is maintained by the State Statistical Office and contains information on business entities (legal and natural persons) and their organisational units that perform an activity on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, irrespective of their size class, organisational (legal) form, institutional sector or sector of activity from the National Classification of Activities where they are distributed by their main activities.

Covered is trade in goods of all enterprises that in the observed period are included in the statistical coverage of external trade statistics for national needs, except the trade performed by natural persons.

Definitions and explanations

Number of enterprises is the number of registered legal or natural persons that during the observed year traded goods with other countries and were active at least part of the observed period.

Enterprise size is determined by the number of employees in the enterprise. Data are shown by the following size classes of enterprises: micro enterprises (0-9 employees), small enterprises (10-49 employees), medium-sized enterprises (50-249 employees) and large enterprises (250 or more employees).

Employees cover persons in paid employment and self-employed persons with compulsory social insurance, irrespective of whether they are employed full time or part time.

Statistical value of goods - the statistical value on the customs declaration is the full value of the goods at the national border. The statistical value of goods imported or exported after processing is the so-called gross value – it includes the value of exported/imported goods (materials) plus the value of the service performed.

For more information:
- Methodology hadbook : external trade statistics by enterprise characteristics

Last updated: 31.08.2023

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