Gross Domestic Product,
Dear users,
This Statistical Review is a regular annual issue of the Sector of National Accounts. Data in this publication refer to the series 2014-2016. The contents of the publication are presented in five parts.
The first part consists of the conceptual and methodological bases, and the other parts contain appropriately marked tables: Series M – Macroeconomic tables, in which macroeconomic data on GDP are presented; Series P – Goods and services production, which contains data on GDP calculated by production approach; Series I – Generation of income, with data on income components of GDP calculated by income approach; Series E – Use of goods and services, in which the data on expenditure components of GDP calculated by expenditure approach are shown, and tables with detailed data on gross fixed capital formation.
More detailed data on the basic categories of GDP, including gross fixed capital formation, are available in the MakStat database on the web site of the State Statistical Office (
The State Statistical Office will continue to implement the methods and definitions for national accounts that are introduced in the European Statistical System in order to develop and improve the data it produces and, above all, to ensure comparability with other countries of Europe and the world.
All comments and suggestions for improving the content of this review would be greatly appreciated.
This is the last edition of the publication “Gross Domestic Product, 2016”. The latest data are available in the MakStat database.
Price in printed form:
GDP by production approach, at constant prices, at annual level, 2014 (BDP.PP)
GDP by production approach, at current prices, at annual level, 2014 (BDP.PT)
GDP by expenditure method at constant prices on annual level, 2014 (BDP.TP)
GDP by expenditure approach, at current prices, at annual level, 2014 (BDP.TT)
© State Statistical Office