Supply and use tables,
Supply and use tables and Input-output tables are an integral part of the revised European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and serve for statistical and analytical purposes. In 2004, following the needs for harmonization with the European statistical system, the State Statistical Office started with experimental compilation of the supply and use tables for the year 2000, on the basis of the methodological concepts, definitions and classifications recommended in the EUROSTAT “Manual on Input-Output Tables”. The tables were published in 2006 in the edition “Classifications, methodologies, nomenclatures and standards” No. and No. In 2008, the supply and use tables for 2005 were published in a Statistical Review which became a regular annual issue of the Sector for National Accounts. Presented in this issue are supply and use tables for the Republic of Macedonia for the year 2012, at current prices. The tables were used for the first time as a tool for balancing the GDP data. For the compilation of tables, all available data from the statistical surveys carried out by the State Statistical Office and from administrative sources are used. It should be stressed that the available database has significant influence on the quality of the resulting tables, and with the development and enrichment of that database, the supply and use tables will continuously develop and improve.
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