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Sustainable development, 2012


This statistical review is a follow-up to the efforts of the State Statistical office to promote the sustainable development concept from a statistical point of view.

The review contains an extended and updated set of available indicators in the statistical system of the Republic of Macedonia, all for the purpose of sustainable development. As a concept, sustainable development means that the needs of the present generation should be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The indicators have a multi-domain character and reflect the economic, social, environmental, and, to a certain degree, the institutional dimension of sustainable development.

The concept of the publication once again follows the structure of the set of indicators defined with the European strategy for sustainable development. The indicators are compiled on the basis of information that the State Statistical Office has at its disposal, and the methodology, which is harmonized with that of the European Union. At the same time, the indicators simply show the trend of a certain phenomenon, without prejudicing sustainability or non-sustainability.

Further activities of the State Statistical Office will be aimed at providing indicators that are not available at this moment, particularly those which are relevant for monitoring the realization of national priorities for sustainable development.

All proposals, suggestions or remarks on improving the quality of the edition are welcome.

Release date: 24.08.2012
PDF:    Download the publication 7.51MB
  Data in the published publication are free of charge. When using the data, please cite the source.
Number of pages: 185
ISBN: 978-608-227-087-6
Language: Macedonian and English


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