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Gender Equality Index for North Macedonia 2022 - Measuring Gender Equality, 2022


Gender equality is a key priority and commitment of the Republic of North Macedonia. The establishment of an efficient legal and institutional system for the promotion of gender equality is an indispensable part of the European Union integration process and one of its fundamental values. In this regard, significant steps have been taken to improve coordination among institutions, strengthen institutions’ capacities and establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring of progress towards the achievement of gender equality goals. To ensure that policies and measures for the promotion of gender equality are effective, it is necessary to continuously monitor their impact on different groups of citizens. The Gender Equality Index is a tool for measuring the progress of gender equality in EU countries and EU candidate countries. This tool was developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality based in Vilnius Lithuania. The Gender Equality Index ensures greater visibility of the areas where improvement is needed to create better and more effective measures for the promotion of gender equality. This is the only way to promote gender equality, and the data contained in the second report on the Gender Equality Index for the Republic of North Macedonia 2022 will enable monitoring of the implementation of policies and measures for advancing gender equality. The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia continues to work dedicatedly on the promotion of gender equality. The legal amendments, the establishment of the first Resource Centre for Gender-Responsive Budgeting, and the development of policies to advance the position of women in the society in cooperation and with the support of international organizations such as UN Women, the European Union, the European Institute for Gender Equality, will continue towards building a better society for all.

Release date: 03.07.2023
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Number of pages: 62
Language: Macedonian and English


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