According to the State Statistical Office data, in 2023 there were 412 violent deaths in the Republic of North Macedonia, which is a
decrease by 15.2 %, compared to the previous year. Violent deaths account for 2.0 % of the total number of deaths. The structure of
violent deaths by sex in 2023, as an previous years, shows higher male participation with 72.8%.
In total number of violent deaths, the “accidents” have the highest participation with 69.9%, followed by,,suicides’’ with 25.5% and
,,homicides’’ with 4.9%.
In the category “accidents,” the group ”other external causes of accidental injury” was predominant with 45.4% of the total number of
violent deaths.
In the category “suicides”, the group “hanging, strangulation and suffocation” were most frequent with 10.6% of the total number of
violent deaths.
In the category “homicides”, the group ,,assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge “ participates with 2.9% of the total number
of violent deaths.