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Five-Year Statistical Programme, 2023-2027
The Programme of Statistical Surveys 2023-2027 is the sixth five-year Programme adopted in the Republic of North Macedonia since the adoption of the Law on State Statistics. The objective of the Programme is:
To provide a framework for statistical production, i.e. to determine the statistical surveys to be conducted in the given five-year period, with defined basic elements of the surveys.
To inform users (state government bodies, units of local self-government, business entities, the scientific community, the media, international institutions and the general public) about the data that will be produced as official statistics by the SSO and the other authorised bodies.
The Programme is based on:
The requirements/needs of users at the local/national and international level;
The requirements of different national/regional/international strategies and programmes;
The requirements arising from the European integration process;
The requirements from various international organisations (United Nations, World Bank, IMF, OECD, etc.).
Official statistics in the domain of demography, economy, finance, social sphere, agriculture and the environment will be the basis for:
Making decisions in all spheres of economic, social and other activities by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, relevant ministries and other state bodies at the central and local level;
Making decisions by managers in the private and public sector;
Supporting scientific research as the main driving force of development;
Providing comparable data on the development of the country for comparison with other countries in the region, European Union member states and candidate countries, as the basis for bringing the Republic of North Macedonia closer to the European Union;
Aligning the statistical system of the Republic of North Macedonia with the European Statistical System (ESS);
Foreign investors’ assessment of the opportunities and cost-effectiveness of investments in the spheres of their interest in the Republic of North Macedonia
You can download the document:
Five-Year Statistical Programme 2023-2027
Five-Year Statistical Programme 2018-2022
Summary of the Programme of Statistical Surveys 2013-2017
Five-Year Statistical Programme, 2008-2012
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