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The Regular Annual Mission of Eurostat has been completed


From 27th to 30th of April 2015, a Regular Annual Mission has been conducted by the Eurostat representative Torbioern Carlquist for evaluation of the work of the State Statistical Office.

During the mission, the Eurostat representative has held meetings and discussions with the Director-General and Deputy Director-General of the State Statistical Office, as well as working meetings with employees from all the sectors of the Office.

Furthermore, the mission included working meetings and discussions with the other institutions part of the statistical system of the Republic of Macedonia, i.e., with representatives of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Finance.

The aim of this mission conducted by Eurostat is to establish the progress of the State Statistical Office in the past period of one year and to discuss the future activities regarding the harmonization of the Macedonian legislation with the European legislation in the area of statistics.


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