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Educational Caravan of the State Statistical Office


Over the recent period, the State Statistical Office has continued its Educational Caravan to promote statistics among secondary school students by visiting secondary schools across the Republic of Macedonia.

The Caravan started in October to mark the European Statistics Day, when several secondary schools were visited in Skopje and the students and teachers were given presentations on the importance of statistics and the benefits of using official statistical data.

The action proved to be very successful and continued in other cities around the country in secondary schools in Radovish, Strumica, Veles, Kavadarci, Prilep and Bitola.

Through these presentations, the students were introduced to the usage of official statistics, the channels for dissemination of statistical data and their significance. It is pleasing that the Educational Caravan elicited great interest among secondary schools from all over Macedonia, and the State Statistical Office will continue its activities for the promotion of statistics.

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