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New set of data from the Census 2021


In accordance with the plan for publication of data from the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2021, the State Statistical Office today released new sets of data, as follows:


  1. Total resident population by individual years of age and sex, by regions
  2. Total population by five-year age groups and sex, by regions
  3. Total resident population by five-year age groups and sex, by type of settlement, by municipalities
  4. Total resident population by individual years of age and sex, by municipalities
  5. Total resident population by citizenship, by five-year age groups and sex, by municipalities
  6. Total resident population by citizenship and ethnic affiliation, by municipalities
  7. Citizens (part of the Total population) of other countries by country of citizenship


The data from the Census 2021 are available at the following link:


© State Statistical Office