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Census 2021 data in one place


The key data on the population, households and dwellings from the Census 2021 are now also available in a publication under the title: "Total resident population, households and dwellings in the Republic of North Macedonia, Census 2021".

After processing the data and releasing them in sets, the State Statistical Office prepared the first publication from the Census 2021, which contains the key indicators for the population, households and dwellings in North Macedonia. This publication groups together in one place socioeconomic data on the basic units of the Census - persons, households and dwellings, for the entire country and by municipalities, presented in 22 tables, graphs and other visualisations.

The publication was prepared with the support of the United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA.

With the release of the publication, the State Statistical Office joins the celebration of 20 October - the European Statistics Day, which this year is celebrated under the motto: "Statistics to understand and connect to society, in the search for truth!".

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